Yesterday, we went to my old home church, a very special place for me. My Daddy still sings in the choir and they were doing their Christmas cantata. During the music, they had a little intermission for the children’s sermon, led by a sweet Shepherd, who called the little lambs to the front of the church. They just kept coming, little ones of almost every age. There was one asleep in Mama’s arms, a couple of shy ones walked down by a parent or grandparent, and those that bounced on down like they were the big kids. Behind them sat the big manger scene with a real life Mary holding the baby, the hugely beautiful Chrismon tree to the side, poinsettias all around, the choir all smiling as they looked down at the children, and Jesus in the stained glass windows… I believe He was smiling too. It was a heartwarming scene.
Those kids listened to that Shepherd and were mesmerized as we watched them, listening, and mesmerized. The story was about the little lamb whose wool had become dirty and how all he wanted was to become clean and white again so he asked Jesus to help him. Jesus made that lamb’s wool white as snow simply because the lamb asked him to. The Shepherd taught the little ones that they could go to Jesus for absolutely anything, and as I listened, I thought how simple and precious that is, and how we often make it so complicated. It was what we all needed to hear, the little ones, and those of us in the pews.
If only we could remember it really is that
simple and precious and beautiful,
So we watched our future before us, little minds forming their beliefs and their hope and their faith in that moment.. while we added to ours. And yes, they (and we) still have to go out into a crazy world that is often cruel and unfair, but every time they hear the story of a Savior, wherever and whenever it is, every time they learn about the One who is so much bigger and stronger and capable, every time they meet a person who shows them there is still good in the world, the more fierce and strong and unwavering they become. The same applies to us all.
We went for the incredible music and left with so much more. I call that the best day ever. Let’s be like the little lamb this week and keep it just that simple.
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