I don’t know why but I often fight off the urge to buy things that certain people say are great. Is that not the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?! It’s like I am convinced there’s no way I can like it as much as everybody says. When it came to this book, I will admit my attitude was honestly, “Well, there goes Oprah the gazillionare writing another book, like she needs another dollar.” I admit it, I own it. Finally though, I caved and ordered it and am so, so, so glad I did. This is now yet another favorite book! And an added bonus is it’s a pretty hardcover book at a great price.
It is written in very short chapters, each one basically a conversation between Oprah and someone smart, knowledgeable, and more importantly, soulful, people like Maya Angelou. These are people who say things that make you stop and go wow, wow, let me read that one again, let me write that down.
I don’t need to share more but if you’re looking for a good easy read that will uplift and inspire you, this book is so worth it having! You can get your copy by clicking on the book below and yes, it helps me a tiny bit, but I wouldn’t share this with you if I didn’t truly love it and believe you would too!
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