If I get it on my mind that it will be a miracle if I live just 25 more years, I will panic. There’s not enough time left to go all the places I want to go and do all the things I want to do! At least that’s what my brain says. Then I
The Old Kitchen Sink.
As I stand running water at my old kitchen sink,I see my reflection in the window and as I blink, my mind has a thought that if I blink again, I’ll see an old woman where this reflection has been. Just a few years ago, the reflection that was there was a girl raising babies, no silver in
When you have to pee.
Lesson learned: don’t run barefoot across hot sand when you have to pee. Last week at the beach, B was at the house watching golf, and I was sitting out under the umbrella people watching when I had to pee so badly. At my age, waiting and holding it are not options. And yes, I
Make sweet the sound.
From the waves in my hair (lawd!) to the waves of the sea, all those gray streaks keep staring back at me. From freckles as uncountable(!) as the sands on the shore, I don’t think my body has a spot for one more. From suntan lines to the lines in my face, time and living