I don’t know about you but I feel so much better when I can lay my head down at night and know I did something to make someone smile that day. When my kids were little, I had one of many genius ideas where I told my kids that each night they had to tell me something they did that day that was nice for someone, large or small. We did it for a while but … well, anyway. I just believe that some days the best things we can do for someone are so, so, so simple, smiling as we say good morning, giving a hug, the list is endless. Here is a list I compiled of things I believe are easy to do and can not only make someone else smile, but you might just break in one too!
Surprise notes: I promise it will not matter if this is on a sticky, napkin, or back of a receipt. Just a simple I love you, have a great day, thank you, thinking about you, that’s it! It’s the unexpected joy that brings the smile, not necessarily the words themselves or how they’re presented. Where you leave them can be a fun part of it too, in a lunchbox, on a mirror or windshield, in the fridge with their OJ, or hey, on their favorite pew (you know how we southerners are about ‘our’ pews so you know you know exactly where they’ll be sitting!).
Cards: You know how it feels to get a card in the mail. I have a friend who has always sent me a card for everything and every time I open my mailbox and see her handwriting, I smile, before I even open the card! Yes, this does cost money, but not a lot if you do something like this adorable set that’s sure to bring a smile: Variety of Cards. You can also make your own, it does not matter. I must confess here that I had a goal on January 1st this year to send one card a week to someone I know regardless of the reason. Did I meet that goal? Nope. Am I surprised? Nope. But I am going to grab that box of cards and start again, it’s never too late. Let me know if you do this and how it goes! And if you want my address, private message me:)
Bend an ear. I have this child. I won’t say her name but she’s in the middle. She is so much like me, full of wild and crazy ideas all the time, and as her Mama, I’m supposed to be the voice of reason but sometimes I go too far when the Crazy Girl in me is saying, LET HER DO IT!! It just feels so good when someone listens to our ideas without shooting us down (my friends deserve an award), to have someone listen to us cry and not have to fix anything, Sometimes people just need to know we believe in them, care about them, and will back them up even if we don’t fully get it. We can be that person.
Pat on the back. Sure, it feels great when someone says, “I like your shoes” but the compliments with impact are the ones unexpected like telling the teacher thank you for all you do that I don’t even know about for my child or you sure did a great job mowing, I love the way you’re so detailed. There’s a cashier at my local grocery store who is always smiling and the other day I got in her line and told her, “I just want you to know I love getting in your line because you’re always smiling, it’s nice!” That girl, well, I know she smiled bigger and stood up taller and I smiled the rest of the time I was there. p.s. I’m on a mission to make my mailman smile, I’ll let you know how that goes, but he’s a challenge!
Save your change. I love hearing stories of others paying for people in line behind them at restaurants and coffee shops. I’ve paid for people behind me at McDonalds many times, and yes, I’ve prayed it wasn’t a van full of teenage boys heading to a ball tournament, but hey, I did it anyway and it felt good! What I love about this is that you get to do it almost anonymously, they are unable to say thank you, so you’re not doing it for a thank you. I kinda love that!
Hey you. This sounds ridiculously silly perhaps but they say the sweetest sound for many people is to hear someone say their name. It’s like feeling recognized, noticed, validated. I think even nicknaming people, which is a habit I have, makes them feel special! My sweetheart is everything from Handsome, Crazy Boy, B, Stud Muffin (okay, that’s embarrassing), but it’s whatever comes out at the time. I love it and I know secretly he kind of likes it too. He calls me T, Crazy Girl, and I’m not sure what else but I love every one! My daughters are sometimes Red and Sassafras. It’s just an affectionate and fun thing to do. Give it a try.
Use your manners. I’m not even going to elaborate, this is just important to the human race.
Thought-FULL gifts. I have this friend who has given me and other friends little things randomly that she’d pick up here and there. She always says something like, “I saw this and thought of you.” One year she gave several of us a clear ball ornament and inside was a picture from one of our trips together. She’s given me a necklace with a camera on it that said live in the moment. And recently, she brought me a cute sign about being a grandma. Each of these things are so special not just because of the obvious message but because she thought about each gift and how they related to me… it means so much. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money! Does your daughter love Reese cups? Get her a bag full. Does your neighbor like chocolate pie? Make her one (or in my case, pick one up at the bakery). Anyway, you get it, make it personal to them!
Smile big. I hate asking someone to do something for me, I don’t know why, and when I do, quite frankly, I almost brace myself for a slightly negative response. That’s kind of sad. And yes, I’ve been asked to do favors before and there’s no doubt in my mind that while I try to be positive, my expression or subtle sigh may have reflected differently. I don’t want to be that person and I have a feeling you don’t either. To me, if we are going to do that small favor, even if it’s an inconvenience, why not do it with a smile and some joy sprinkled in and make them glad they asked. I mean we can get in the car and sigh as loud as we’d like later!
Blast from the past. Think back to someone who has touched your life in the last few months or even years. I have this boss whom I worked for I think 27 years. He could be a pain in the hiney, sure, but I loved that man, he was like a second Dad to me. I haven’t seen him in a few years now and I think I might just send him a note and tell him how much it meant to me to work beside him that vast majority of my life, the laughs we had, the things he taught me, how grateful I am he didn’t kill me. Maybe it’s your favorite high school teacher or Aunt who kept you when you were little. How much would it mean to get a random unexpected thank you?!
These are just a few ideas, there are so many more, and I would love to hear what you do. Let’s get started, be #crazykind to someone, make them have a #crazysmile, and then share it here!
p.s. Did you notice none of these involve technology?! I’m kind of proud of myself! But that said, even a text message or email can make someone’s day!
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