I don’t know about you but with each trip around the sun, I learn more and more about things that don’t matter, things I can’t control, and how to face the fears that have been holding me back. Probably at the top of my ‘fear list’ has been time. We can’t control it so why in
If I make it to 101.
Things I’m learning… If I live to be 101, it will not be because I was on the computer all hours of the day and night, but because of all hours of the day and night I spent laughing and spending time with myself and those I love. If I live to be 101, it
On the porch.
I can’t go back and undo the mistakes I made as a mother. I can’t unwind, redo, spend more time, hug more often, be more patient, be more present. I so envy those of you with little ones who have the chance to start today …. if only I could go back. I
Yay, Christmas Cards!
Below is a video about an idea I have fallen in love with, just one of those light bulb moments (and mine is often dim!). I thought some of you might love it too especially all my prayer warrior people. The photo to the left is a sneak peek. If you get a moment to
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Here we go, new year’s resolution time. Sigh…. do I hear some big deep sighs out there? I heard one in here, I am sure. I simply don’t like those three words, New Year’s Resolution, because when I don’t hit them in January, I tend to give myself permission to say, “Oh well, maybe next
Calling All Daymakers!
I don’t know about you but I feel so much better when I can lay my head down at night and know I did something to make someone smile that day. When my kids were little, I had one of many genius ideas where I told my kids that each night they had to tell