When someone reaches out for help,we can be an anchor or an oar,we can weigh them down,or we can help them get to shore. We can be the darknessor a lantern burning bright,we can push them deeper inor lead them with our light. We can hold them downor a ladder we can be,we can leave
Just a Crazy Girl Blog
The Old Kitchen Sink.
As I stand running water at my old kitchen sink,I see my reflection in the window and as I blink, my mind has a thought that if I blink again, I’ll see an old woman where this reflection has been. Just a few years ago, the reflection that was there was a girl raising babies, no silver in
Rise Above
If you get 5 minutes to watch, this is my crazy story about the visions I had alongside the many God whispers that got me through a situation over a year ago. It still does as it has caused the phrase Rise Above to become important to me in so many ways. Below are links
The Dark Road.
The girl who writes these words is a happy girl. I want to spread joy, laughter, and hope as much as I can. And be real. Life was not always joy, laughter, or even hopeful for me, and sharing where I was before versus where I am today… now that’s hope! When I was going
The Imperfect Christmas
I wanted everything to be perfect this Christmas. We’d made plans for the 23rd almost a year ago, I sent reminders throughout the year, reminded everybody at Thanksgiving. I was the most excited and hopeful I’d been for the holiday in a few years. Our children were all coming, the blending of which is still
The Untouchable Gift
I read a quote a while back and can’t remember now exactly how it went but the idea of it has stuck with me for weeks. It’s about love and how we can feel it but not touch it. When it rains, we can feel it physically. We can dance in it, feel nourished by
Bloom again.
I want joy after pain,sun after the rain.I want to learn from them, grow from them,understand why they came. Was it to make a stronger me?To make things clearer so that I could see?To learn that I could always survive?To appreciate more just being alive? I may never know, I have to let that go,and
The Suitcase
It’s the first week of January, and as I wake up, it’s still dark outside. I lay in bed thinking how the new year is already a few days old; time is a thief. The house is quiet, and the bed feels so good, but the coffee is calling my name. As I shuffle
Grace is the Thread
You are like a fabric
woven through the years
with threads of joys and triumphs
sewn together with many tears.
The colors don’t always match,
some bright, some dark, some deep,
together though, they blend and hold,
as your memories they keep.
The To-Do List is Yelling.
Good morning to all of you! Our last full week to scurry about before Christmas. I do LOVE this time of year just before the holidays, seeing lights on homes, people excited in a way we don’t see all year. I used to live for the day we closed the office I worked with for
A Gift of Grace, My First Book!
A Gift of Grace. Click here to purchase or on the image above. I’ve been wanting to write a book or several books for years but until a short time ago, you would have never convinced me it would be about Christmas and especially not poems. But God… He had another idea! Just a few
I never believed in fairytales.
I often wake up and have dreams come to mind that I need to get on paper. One night last week, I dreamt this phrase over and over and woke up hearing it, “I never believed in fairytales.” I lay there so confused and then asked myself, “Did I ever believe in them?” As the