Earlier today, I stood in the shower and cried. I even cry trying to type this. It is difficult. Some of you who know me may think, when is this girl going to get a grip… oh wait, I think that was me saying that. I just know I created this space to make myself
Just a Crazy Girl Blog
Path Made Clear.
I don’t know why but I often fight off the urge to buy things that certain people say are great. Is that not the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?! It’s like I am convinced there’s no way I can like it as much as everybody says. When it came to this book, I will admit
Calling All Daymakers!
I don’t know about you but I feel so much better when I can lay my head down at night and know I did something to make someone smile that day. When my kids were little, I had one of many genius ideas where I told my kids that each night they had to tell
On the Anvil.
I was rereading this book recently for about the fifth or sixth time and I thought, you know, I need to share this because if it means so much to me, it may to someone else! I read this book when it first came out in 2008 simply because one of my favorite authors, Max
Yesaholic Rehab.
Last week, I followed my heart and said no to something. I wish I could explain how hard that was for me. I just never say no, even when my heart is screaminng, “You idiot!”. I have more to share on this later in an upcoming Yesaholic series but for now, I just need to
My Baby Boy.
Call it God’s timing, His sense of humor, His encouragement…
To all the Mamas.
Today is not about my Mama but another, one whom I felt a need to write about for my own heavy heart if for no other reason. I watched this mother at the funeral of her baby boy, a young man, but still her baby boy. It was an amazing gift of grace from God
Gone too soon.
This morning as I let my tall baby boy (almost 16) out in the car rider circle at school, I watched him walk up that sidewalk and it took all I had to not run after him for one more hug. I cried and cried after I pulled off. I cried as my heart
As the Tassel Turns.
One of my favorite writings is the one about the dash. I’m sure most of you have heard it but essentially it talks about the dash on our tombstones. The date before the dash is of course the date we entered this world and the date after is the date we leave it. The dash
Welcomed silence.
The lonely days I felt even when I wasn’t in the room alone…
I walked in the back door like I always do. It was early one morning recently, before the sun had risen, and there he was…. sitting at the table. He never does that. It almost scared me. The words we’d all felt losing Mama seemed to be captured in that one little moment sitting at
Mama’s Shoes.
Mama’s been gone a while now and as many of you can relate, it seems like ten years and it seems like last week. Since she passed, we slowly but surely have gone through things of hers which never gets easier. It’s funny what you learn about someone, even those you’ve loved your whole life,